
sketchbook throwback

I haven't done a "throwback Thursday" type post before but I felt like sharing something fun and a bit random today. I recently came across this article about Jake Lockett, an artist who documented his art from age 2 to 24. It was really interesting to see how his skills and drawing style evolved over time. It immediately made me go digging for this little book that I made way back in Kindergarten...

Of all the books and sketchbooks I've made and filled over the years, this one is by far my favorite (sorry Terzo). It's filled with pages of writing prompt responses, little anecdotes from my family and pages of sketches I made from about 4 to 6 years old. I love looking back through it, I even have memories of drawing some of them. 
Whenever we went out to dinner, I'd sketch on the back of the paper place-mat on the table. The sketch of the tractor and bell is my favorite...I remember drawing it back in Pre-School. We had a red school house with a sort of tower on top of it and I really wanted there to be a bell in it, so I drew it! 

So I may have loved Kindergarten back then but I certainly hadn't learned to spell yet! I love this little book, the first book I ever made! It's fun to look back at old sketches and see how far your skills have come. I'm so glad my mom held on to them and dated them. It's really interesting to see the span of time between drawings and when certain skills or habits were acquired...when you started drawing real hands, adding facial features, backgrounds, expressions and more. I had my 1st graders make self portraits this week and I hope they are able to hold on to them and look back at their mini selves one day. 

Do you hold on to old sketches and sketchbooks? Have you shared your old sketches from when you were little? I'd love to see!


  1. This is adorable! I recently had to go back to my hometown to help my parents move and we stumbled upon all my old drawings! It's great to look back at them.

    1. Hey Jess! I love finding old drawings! If you ever photograph and share them, let me know! I love seeing other peoples sketches :)

  2. My daughter married yesterday and I made her a little book with scans of 10 (I could pick from 50!) of her drawings through the years started with the age of 2 and the last one age 18. It was fun to show everyone and built my speech around. Very precious and I am so glad I kept so many things she made.

    1. That is such a sweet gift for her! Wow! I'm sure she will cherish it forever, it would be really sweet if she continued the tradition with her own children. Such a thoughtful gift!

  3. love it! I have been scanning or taking pictures of a bunch of our daughter's drawings and I have a big stack still waiting to scan. at some point hopefully sooner than later I want to make a section on our blog for her art. I am also starting her on take a picture a day with a prompt. it is sooo awesome to see how creative kids are, which I'm sure you get to see a lot with your 8th graders, although I'm sure it's already starting to be lost a little bit by then. I'm hoping to encourage and help our kids to explore their creativity for life.

    1. Ahh how awesome, I'd love to see some of her art! Kiddos work is so inspiring...photographs, drawings, everything. I love teaching my kiddos, especially when I get an assortment of grades (I just finished teaching 8th, 6th, 5th and 1st...such drastic differences in their work). I love to challenge the 8th graders to explore and play, they definitely have lost some of their willingness to just create for the sake of creating. It's sad but I'm hoping our time together will help remedy that a bit.


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